Fox interview

I zip-tripped to my home town, Everett MA. Here is the video from my Fox 25 interview:

Here are the books we discussed and the amazon link to each book. Enjoy!

Fox25 Boston- Interview

FOX25 is Zip-tripping to Everett, MA on Friday April 29 -6am-10am in Everett Square- My hometown! I was invited to be part of the fun and I have an interview scheduled for 9:45. I'll be there to feature my book BUS ROUTE TO BOSTON which was inspired by my childhood growing up on Woodlawn Ave (a bus route). I use to take Bus111 to Boston. In the book, my sister Diane, myself and my mom take the bus to Boston and visit all the places we use to go as Filenes Basement (I miss it), Haymarket to buy fruits and vegetables, Baileys (to get an ice cream Sundae) and of course the Northend to visit the butcher and get that cannoli for the bus ride home.

I'll also touch on my new Princess Kim books, which were also inspired by my childhood.
So tune in. (it's going to be short don't blink.)

Location: ‎410 Broadway, Everett 02149
Time: ‎6:00AM Friday, April 29th

A Studio Visit

Occasionally I open my studio for visits with interested groups. In the past I  have hosted several homeschooling groups and elementary school students.
Today visited with a group of highschoolers from Bedford High School (NH) who have chosen to study "children's books" for their Inter-session topic. My studio was their first stop. I spend a few hours explaining my process of creating my books, from idea to printed  book. I hope I inspired them!
I do know that my dog LOVED their visit! Bianca was handed from one student to another. (I do think she is really a cat!)
(I enjoyed your visit!  I hope you all have fun at the Eric Carle Museum!)
- Maryann